what can I do for my cusin?

I have a cusin that wants 2 live wit her dad but is afraid of asking her mom what can she do? (her/dad/lives/2/hours/away)

Answer #1

If thats what she wants then I think it would be best for her to be honest. Or she’ll just be miserable. Maybe even see if see can just start out staying with her dad on weekend and if she already does, then it might be easier for her to talk to her dad about it and possible have her,her mom, and dad sit down together. If she even to scared to do that then just her dad sit w/ her mom. Good Luck to you both.

Answer #2

she should make herself strong and ask her mom if she could go.if her mom does’’nt allow hee.she should ask her mom why so she would know the reasons behind why her mom wouldnt like her to visit her dad

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