what can I do about this evil thing?

I need help I think. Its been going on for a few years. It started with just weird feelings like I’m not alone when I am. Then I started hearing things banging and foot steps crying and other sounds. Now its the dreams I have terrable disgusting nightmares. Things I would never do I’m doing in these dreams. I’ve developed a fear of mirrors because whatever it is painted a hang man looking thing on my bedroom mirror in this strange sticky stuff. Also once before it stomped behind me and hissed I’ve never seen the thing outside of my dreams but in my dreams its just huge and black.I don’t know if it is trying to hurt me I don’t want it to I know I’m stronger than it. I don’t know what it is maybe I’m crazy I’d just feel better if anyone could give me any advice on what to do about it please help I can’t sleep any priests? Or someone to help?

Answer #1

I’m going to talk with my boyfriends pastor. He’s open minded and shld be able to help.

Answer #2

There they go again. I have seen this many times. People who have some their own beliefs wants to tell you that you have some mental problem. Its all up to you. You can listen to them and believe that you there is something wrong with you when you are perfectly alright or find the truth and find a permanent solution to this problem.

Answer #3

You are indicating many signs of schizophrenia a very debilitating mental disorder. You should see a psychiatrist asap. It’s not demon’s or ghosts, disregard all the statements that indicate that as the problem and go make a appointment with a psychiatrist, trust me.

Answer #4

Some things that you should know are:

  • Demons spirit beings that do exist
  • Demons are in reality beings that are very much stronger than us. We do not have the power to overcome them.

However as “saved” had said they are bound by certain rules and there is someone whom they fear and from whom they will flee. Jesus Christ. Accept Jesus as your savior and these demons will not be able to trouble any longer. So the solution is accept Jesus Christ and read the Bible.

Answer #5

its simple and I understand its hard.

whatever it is, be it your head, or an actaull being.

think of this, if it wanted to hurt you, it would have done it by now.

if you want peace of mind, trust.

if your believing that this is a asupernatural being, say a demon or ghost, then believe in a supernatural GOOD.

believe that God will protect you, and pray that he will. but serioulsy the key is trust. if you dont trust, you will not have peace of mind because you know your not trusting God.

TRUST in the lords protection. Gods own words to his children was this, ask and you shall recieve.

ask for peace, tranquility, and the ridence of such a beast.

and if you trust, you know, it cannot bother you again. :D

if you need more encouragement, funmail me, im up for a while

Answer #6

Good for you. May God bless you.

Answer #7

Rebuke it in Jesus name. There are curtain rules that demons and such have to follow and one is they cannot touch what is God’s. Rebuke it, Believe it, and have power over it. The seventy returned with joy, saying, Lord even the demons are subject to us in Your name. (Luke 10:17) The seventy are refering to those the Lord sent out ahead of Him, two by two, to the places He was about to visit, learn from them, that you too, have the power to overcome whatever this is.

Answer #8

If you’re religious and believe in a God(or higher power of some kind), tell it to leave “in the name of_“, that it does not have permission to be there. Actually have full faith in your words and whatever you believe in. Another thing you may do is cleanse it, as satanheadsbangtometal has already stated. also burn Dragon’s Blood, Sandalwood, and/or Frankincense incense. If you’re religious, say a prayer asking your God to help you, and believe they will. Also remember the law of attraction and stay positive. Don’t think of things you don’t want to happen, just feel as though it is already gone, that it is not there, and things that make you happy.

Answer #9

Don’t panic. don’t be scared. don’t fear. If it’s actually the supernatural thats what it actually wants you to do.

Pray, Get out more of the house more, spend a lot of time doing this you like to do. Because the supernatural likes to target people who sits around and do nothing all day.

But on the other hand take a nap, relax the mind, soul, and body. Because you mind can play games with you.

Answer #10

think of things happy. its called paranormal activity. get somebody out a spirital person to see wether there are spirits in your house x I have the same problem x and getting somebody out really help me x

Answer #11

have God watch over you, bring his Holy Spirit into your house, and have it give you strength. say in a loud voice ‘in the name of God, leave me in peace’ Be strong hun The Spirit of God is always awake and ready to save someone from fear.

Answer #12

Buy some sage. You can get bundles of it at Headlines.Well, I could, I’m not sure where you can get it. Set the end of it on fire and walk around your room holding it over everything and tell that thing to leave as you do it.

Answer #13

go to god sweetie. there are spirits in this world that mess with people. most people don’t believe stuff like that but it happens. pray and ask god and jesus for protection. seek help. don’t ignore it.

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