What are you most thankful for?

just another random positive question. just spreading optimism :) hopefully.

my answer: this must be weird for some but im thankful for my parents because they raised me as they see fit. although we may not always get along, I am still thankful that they understand me and support me :) I would never be the way I am without them.

Answer #1

that my parents pay for me to go to stage school

Answer #2

Im thankful for delivery men! Saves me making a trip to the chinese in the freezing cold. Oh excuse my sexism, I mean delivery women too :)

Answer #3

I’m thankful for a lot, my family and friends who I love. My health and being in my right mind. The power of free will, music without I’d go crazy. I’m thankful I can express myself. Also I’m thankful for not being closed minded and open to new ideas or at least can except others opinions. Nice reflexion question. Later.


Answer #4

for being alive, in february I found out I had a tumour in my brain its now gone and I hope it never comes back.

Answer #5

My family and friends, my wonderful girlfriend Jenae, and most of all to be alive and healthy. Nothing is better than that.

Answer #6

im thankful for evolution, without it nothing would exist

Answer #7

kudos to that ;)

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