What are the english lyrics for Du hast and Ich Wil?

OK any German speakers please translate this bits “du du hast du hast Mich du hast Mich du frats or something like that. and “ich wil, ich wil” what is the whole song if you know. please tell me all you know!

Answer #1

lol everyone thinks that du hast means you hate and it doesnt I can speak some german and du hast mich means you have me not you hate me du hast and du habt is pronounced the same and du habt means you hate me

Answer #2

In this song, du hast does not mean you hate me or you have me. It actually means you ask me. So translated it is:

You… You ask… You ask me… You have asked me… You have asked me… You have asked me, and I said nothing

Do you want, until death do you part to be faithful to her for all your days? No, no

Do you want, until death do you part to be faithful to her for all your days? No, no

Do you want, until death of her vagina, to love her also in bad days? No, no

In an earlier post, it said, “Tod, der Scheide” could mean, “death, which separates.” Although, “to separate” is a verb and all German verbs are lower case. Der Scheide is upper case, so it’s a noun, and can’t be a subordinating conjunction.

Answer #3

thank you so much!

Answer #4

I want

I want you to trust me I want you to believe me I want to feel your eyes I want to control every heartbeat

I want to hear your voices I want to disturb the peace I want you to see me well I want you to understand me

I want your fantasy I want your energy I want to see your hands I want to go down in applause

Do you see me? Do you understand me? Do you feel me? Do you hear me? Can you hear me? (We hear you) Can you see me? (We see you) Can you feel me? (We feel you) I don’t understand you

I want

We want you to trust us We want you to believe everything from us We want to see your hands We want to go down in applause - yeah

Can you hear me? (We hear you) Can you see me? (We see you) Can you feel me? (We feel you) I don’t understand you

Can you hear us? (We hear you) Can you see us? (We see you) Can you feel us? (We feel you) We don’t understand you

I want

oh and this is for ich will, also off of google :P

Answer #5

Du du hast du hast mich du hast mich gefragt du hast mich gefragt, und ich hab nichts gesagt

Willst du bis der Tod euch scheidet treu ihr sein für alle Tage


Willst du bis zum Tod, der scheide sie lieben auch in schlechten Tagen


You you hate * you hate me you hate me to say you hate me to say you hate me to say, I did not obey

Do you want, until death seperates you, to be faithful to her for all days


Do you want, until death, which would seperate, ** to love her, even in bad days


  • When Till is just saying “Du hast,” it sounds as if he could either be saying “Du hast” (you have) or “Du hasst” (you hate). This is to give the song a double meaning, even though the official lyrics say “Du hast.”

** There is another sort of double meaning here. If the line is read as “Tod der Scheide” it would be “until the death of the vagina” and not “until death, which would seperate” (“Tod, der scheide”). The whole song is a play on German wedding vows (Wollen Sie einander lieben und achten und die Treue halten bis dass der Tod euch scheidet? - Do you want to love and respect each other and to remain faithful, until death seperates you?). Instead of answering with “Ja,” Till says “Nein,” finally answering the question he said nothing to in the beginning.

I got that off google so I dont know how accurate they are but I hope that helps (: and I like there song amerika hehe (: just thought I would let you knoww

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