What are the chances of pregnancy?

Its been 10 days since I had unprotected sex with my partner (we’re trying for a baby) I took a pregnancy test and it came back negative, my menstral cycle is unpredicatable so I never know when it is coming! Have any of you had this experience and then come back with a positive result? Do any of you have a rough idea of this situation?

Answer #1

Ten days is a little soon for most pregnancy tests to be accurate.

You can either wait another week and try again, or book an appointment with your doctor for a blood test (which is more accurate than urine).

Answer #2

I would talk to your doctor, I believe(could be wrong) that a woman is most firtle in the week after her period.. after you have sex and he comes inside you lay with your butt against the headboard or wall with your legs up in the air so that no sperm drips out and more of it gets in there and wait a while before you pee. but yeah ten days is a little soon for an at home test to tell. GOOD LUCK!

Answer #3

thank you very much. yeah when the test came back negative I had a feeling t will probaly come back negative next week too! fingers crossed though

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