What are some strategies to avoid binge drinking?

Im not a binge drinker and dont no one I just need a list of strategies 4 a school thing and since I have no idea how to get in that situation or what its like or how to get out of it your guys help would be great!!:)

Answer #1

Don’t pick up the first drink…that’s the only one that is easy to say no to.


Answer #2

dont keep a lot of drinks in the house.

Answer #3

I think, drink slowly. I mean, if a bottle usually takes 10 minutes to drink, drink it for 30 minutes.

eat some munchies while drinking

I cant think of anything else.

  • You may opt to just stop drinking when you think you have reached your limit. If your ‘friends’ ask you to drink some more, just decline. You dont have to follow them if you think they arent right you know. if they insist, tell them to f*ck off.
Answer #4

Binge drinking means drinking over 5 drinks. Just stop before that point. Of course you’re usually drunk at that point, so saying no becomes really hard. Like phrannie said, the only way to stop is by saying no to the first drink. Also, as an adult, if you’re going to be drinking, limit one drink per hour and have some food. As an adolescent, the easiest way to protect yourself is not to put yourself in that situation. Dont go to parties where there’s going to be drinking and drugs. If you are at a party, drink something non alcoholic. If you’re going to drink, nurse the drink (I.e. hold on to the same drink all night).

Answer #5

Well, if your home, don’t keep a lot of drinks in the house that way when ever you go to get another, you don’t talk yourself into getting more. (because there won’t be a lot anyways) If you go to a friends house, or a party or something, the best thing to do is stay far away from the drink bar, and if you feel like you may be wanting more, just leave for a little bit. That way your giving yourself belief that you can stay away from it, and that you do have self control. Sorry thats all I have, I hope that this helps for you!

  • Advice Girl, (:
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