What are some of your supernatural encounters?

I’ve had some encounters with spirits (or “ghosts”) and a lot of my family and friends have also. What are some of your encounters?

Answer #1

I’ve been chasing the paranormal for years,and I must say “Ghosts” are not real,you think they are but it’s all a trick,a trick by demons,they want you to believe your soul could get trapped between worlds and make God basically look bad,see what I’m sayin its a trick.

Answer #2

I have a spirit in my house, I believe it to be my dead twin sister. She did things like make long-lost toys appear from nowhere to remind me of the childhood she never had, she got angry because I am the only person in my house that knows she is there and she once drew crayon all oer the wall. But I have good incounters with her, I can feel her hug me, I can sense her presence and I can talk to her by hearing her replies in my head it seems. She’s always next to me, whether I’m at school, at home, with my mates. When Im walking, I can feel her link up with me or hold my hand. I went past a graveyard with my friends and coven once we all felt a prescence, and one of my friends’ though someone was holding her hand, like a little child. It was weird because we’d passed a child’s grave. Creepy…

Answer #3

I don’t have that many but I once stayed at a haunted Bed and Breakfast before. This was like 4 or 5 years ago. Only a few weird things happened. I remember that I was watching a movie with my friend who was there and the vcr and the movie turned off by itself. That was freaky. Then later when all of us are trying to go to sleep I think the faucet in the sink turned on by itself once. We all had a hard time going to sleep and I felt uncomfortable and I kept thinking that if I opened my eyes once then I’ll see something weird in front of me. It was a creepy experience. Another weird thing that happened to me once was, it was like past 10 o clock at night and my mom was just washing the dishes in the kitchen and I was going to the living room to watch tv. I turned the living room light on and I don’t think the light came on right away. But just as I was doing that, there was this bright light sort of thing that was by the ceiling fan then it moved pretty quickly and bumped into those things that was hanging that you use to control a fireplace. Forgot what they’re called but anyways it bumped into that and they literally shook so you knew something did bump into them, then it was gone. That was freaky

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