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I’m 15, 5’11, and a vegitarian so I know I have very low iron. I have really pale skin, it doesn’t look albino or anything but still I’m pretty pale. I also get these really dark circles around my eyes. It’s embarresing. I hate them. Some people said I would be considered Anemic. Is this true? If so what can I do for it? I’m I healthy? Can I get sick from this? What could happen to me? Please help :)

Answer #1

its hard to say but its quite possible that the lack of iron has made you unhealthy you should see a doctor to get soem tests done to find out if you have anything like an iron deficiency or are anemic you can also use suppliments to get the nutrients you otherwise would have gotten from meat and yes, you can get sick from a lack of iron so yeah, see a doctor to find out for sure

Answer #2

All this sounds normal, Dark circles can be due to lack of sleep & some people naturally have pale color skin. I guess you are healthy.. In other way how do you feel? If you yourself don’t feel healthy then I m sure you are not healthy.

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