What acne tretments work.?

Okay so I have bad pimples. But nobody really notices it cause my hair covers most of them up. But it still makes me feel bad about myself. Heeelllpp: )

Answer #1

Everybody one way or another is going to have problems with ache! I myself have annoying acne at times but I use clean and clear and it works pretty good! it helps get rid of my acne in no less than week! its cheap! lol just take the responsibility to wash your fash twice a day with the products!

Answer #2

I swear tea tree oil is not expensive!? maybe I just havn’t bought any of it in a while, but I have a 100ml bottle of it and I just shove a cotton tip in it, then apply that to the bad pimples. do it once in the morning after cleansing, and then once at night. and I am positive they shrink by the next day!

Answer #3

well you can do like a basic cleansing treatment twice a day. This consists of:

  1. washng your face with warm water and a sensative face cleanser.
  2. toning (which is that funny liquid stuff that meks your face tingle)
  3. mousturise self explanatory. Then go to then chemist and ask for their best pimple cream, they usaly arent expensive but sometimes they are but I find the more expensive with this sort of stuff the ebetter they are. Apply that to your pimples after toning and that should help :)
Answer #4

tea tree oil is expensive but is a natural antiseptic.. poly siad :)

Answer #5

I put tea tree oil for blemishes. Dries them up. You can get this at the body shop.

Answer #6

Proactive works, and so does Clearasil ultra.

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