Weird signs of maybe being prego.

I had sex for the first time about 2 weeks ago friday. And since then my boobs are sore and no period. But I’ve been under a lot of stress. And I’ve missed it before due to stress. So maybe its just that.

Im 15 tho, and my boobs are still growing, so could it be that?

I dont show any other signs of early pregnancy but sore breasts. I’ve done a lot of seaching for answers.. Help please!

Answer #1

go to the store buy a test and take a pee on it. I am pregnant right now ( I am 33 years old) And I had no idea, or I should say I had no symptoms other then the ones I would feel right before my period, I took a test and I was postive and already 4 weeks when I talked to my doctor. So go by a test.

Answer #2

Missing your period could just be the stress of everyday teen life or growing up but a more logical reason is that it was your first time! you body could just be adapting to the fact that you are sexualy active! How ever after having unprotected sex and sometimes even protect sex, you must never ruel out the chance of being pregnant! how ever what your saying is not likly to be pregnancie, yes those symptoms do happen but for most woman and teens not as soon as only two weeks! maybe a few weeks after that but 2 weeks is pretty early. Howevery pregnancie symptoms is different from woman to woman and from pregnancie to pregnancie as in the first pregnancie you could have morning sickness really bad but hardly have it at all with your secound pregnancie!

so don’t ruel it out and take a test just incase but I doubt that you are! xxxkayliexxx

Answer #3

if it is the beggining of pregnancie then you wouldn’t have sore breasts (until you start to produce milk) so you should just get some pregnancie tests

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