How to make my own website on an iMac?

I want to make my oyn website. But I don’t know how. Well I do but I want to know why I can’t do it on my own Apple IMac computer. I want to have a computer that will help me create it. Can someone please help?!

Answer #1

Creating a website on an iMac computer is rather easy, as there is a program called iWeb that should be already installed on it (it is a part of the iLife suite - iPhoto, iMovie, iDVD, Garageband and iWeb). iWeb will ask you to sign up to .Mac, which is a place where your website will be automatically uploaded to for you. If you don’t want to use .Mac, you can still create your website with iWeb and then upload it to wherever using an FPT agent. Alternatively you can sign up to a free 60 day trial of .Mac (that’s two months) which is great for those wanting to get experience in building websites and how they work.

If you don’t want to use iWeb, industry standard web page tools such as Dreamweaver, Fireworks, Flash etc. are available for the Mac platform or there are also a number of other Web Page programs that will work on a Mac.

Hope this helps!

Answer #2


I web rules!!

so easy

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