Was "The Lord of the Rings" Based on Tolkien's Life?

JRR Tolkien was a soldier during World War 1, and some of his works seem to portray his thoughts during that time.

For example, “The Dead marshes” seemed to be a interpretation of his talks about seeing “dead men and boys, eyes blankly staring up at the sky, never to see again”.

Also, regarding the Battle at Helm’s Deep, Rohirrim was victorious, despite the odds being three hundred to ten thousand. In World War 1, the Allied soldiers charged into battle readily, despite the fortitude of the Central Powers.

Tolkien often made mention of values such as love, faith, courage, and hope, and how it was these values that made the Allied forces successful in battle.

What are your thoughts on this? Does having tragic life experience create a perfect canvas for epic novels? Or can we rely on our simple imaginations to give us creativity?

Answer #1

I personally love the fact that an author can put so much of him/herself into a story. Makes it that much more real y’know?

Answer #2

I think every great author uses their personal experience to create their epic works. Robert Jordan leveraged his travel & military experience when he wrote “the wheel of time” which many have compared to Tolkien.

Answer #3

yes he probably wrote things that he experienced in his life.. but lord of the ings is just a book he wrote!! take care xx

Answer #4

Tolkien already had a large portion of the battles made several years before he served in WWI, but the war definitely influenced his writing. WWII also likely had an impact on his writing, his sons served and they exchanged letters.

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