Was anyone on here part of 9/11?

Im curious.. Was anyone here a part of 9/11?

Answer #1

not at ground zero…but I was part of a team that did something to get back at the bad guys while I was stationed in the desert

Answer #2

No, I wasn’t there when it happened. In fact, I was in High School when 9-11 happened. Of course, I was in shock when the TVs came on in every classroom. I was in shock that it happened right in our own country. I do have sympathy for the families who lost loved ones that tragic day. But, its a reminder for this election. I mean, the anniversary.

Answer #3

Simply a Rose to brighten your day,         And maybe lessen the cares in your way;         And also, too, to help you to know,         That in knowing you, many others grow!

  A part in what way, perpetrator or victim/relative?

Myself, neither of the above but I watched it live on TV when it was happening.

Answer #4

not me but I really felt bad when I watched it last week in discovery channel..I almost cried..

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