How can I become skinny through anorexia?

How to be anorexic???

Answer #1

Anorexia is NOT the answer to becoming skinny - A sensible healthy diet and exercise plan IS.

Consider the negative consequences to your health, and ask yourself, is being anorexic or bulimic really worth all of this?

* heart failure, which leads to death
* infertility, the inability to have children
* osteoporosis (bones break easily)
* kidney failure due to dehydration which can lead to having to depend on a dialysis machine for the remainder of your life
* hair loss
* gastric rupture
* tooth decay and staining (from frequent vomiting)

And much more. Ultimately, you’ll end up spending much of your time in a hospital, where no one will see (or care)how skinny you are.

Remember that being thin and gorgeous does not mean you have to give up your health. Many female athletes, like Anna Kournikova, maintain a lean, attractive figure with very low body fat and without sacrificing their health. In fact, their health is how they make a living.

Understand that fat is a good thing. To be healthy and functioning properly, your body must have a 20-30 percentage of body fat. Girls, your bodies are made to hold more fat than males because of your role in reproduction. Your bodies are also built to hold your fat around your hips and thighs, since that’s where your reproductive system is. Don’t expect to ever get rid of the healthy layer of fat surrounding your hip area - it’s how your body is built, and the only way you can get rid of it is by destroying your whole body. It’s not worth it!

Funmail me and I can help you find a workout plan and meal plan thats right for you.

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