
I liked my surfer coach the day I met him. At the end of the week, I gave him my number. He was all nice, and happy about it. So was I. We talked for a couple months…he didn’t ever come to see me… He’s 22, and I’m 14. It hurts a lot, because he keeps talking with me, and asking me to be his close friend, since we can’t be more. But he won’t even see me…he talks aout how he is lonely, I say to him how lonely I am…how much I want him…but he refuses.

I gave him a sight for dating to make him happy. I feel like shi*

He is breaking me, but I cant stop talking to him, what do I do?

I really like him.

Answer #1

u should date him surf guys are hott lol and just dont bang him and you wont get in trouble and nethir will he and if you dont go out now keep in tak till your 18 then you guys can do what ever ya want lol =)

Answer #2

hmmm…well it seems you do have a crush on him and one that seems to be quite deep… Looks like your coach likes you but as a friend and as a student when it comes to teaching you surfing. Looks like he likes the fact you give him attention. Since he doesnt want to hang out and spend time with you shows you how much he puts you in his life. Its good that he talks to you and says he wants to hang out but when you want to hang out but doesnt committ to it seems like he is teasing you and is giving you what you want but taking it away as soon as he gives it to you. Either you can keep in contact and let him know how you feel or keep your distance and let him contact you if he wants and only contact him when you need to.

Answer #3

he wont get in trouble for dateing you… he’ll get in trouble if he has sexual relations with you this guy is old enough to know what he wants in a women lea, honestly you need to move on… you cant give your heart to someone who doesnt want it and doesnt want to give his in return unfortunetly that big of an age diffrence really DOES make a diffrence… and what I get from him, is he likes the attention you give him… you allow him to break you… find someone who WILL appriciate you… and is WILLING to want you just as much, back…

Answer #4

im sry… butt not rite now.. your a bit young for him im not sayign theres anything wrong with you your great person and all and yea.. its jsut he needs to find soem1 his own age… likw yea.. wht if he is meeting someone rite now then??

SRy.. I dont I didnt help… sry..=(

Answer #5

I think that you should tell him its hurting you that you guys cant be anything more. I think you should not talk to him for a while and just be coach and student. The relationship you guys are in right now could lead to some problems. I understand you aren’t dating but it can still have that affect. It seems hes interested but hes holding back because of age difference. I think you should try to do the same.I understand this will be hard for you to do considering the feelings you have for this man. And if you guys keep at this, wait until you legal (18) and then you guys can date…Just be careful in your decision and make sure you know what your doing. =]

Answer #6

Stay close friends until you’re 18. If he can wait the 4 years for you, then he probably feels something for you… Then you can really let him know how you feel. And, he probably will feel the same way. Because you will be his “rock” for 4 years, he will come to depend on you, and then he’ll feel like he can’t live without you. =]

Answer #7

well..I quess if he refuses to go out with you then there nothing you can do about it..I really dont care about how old yall two long as you two like each other than that all that matters to me if you happy…but if you really like him just be patience ok and just keep talking to him without feeling hurt…maybe he will change his mind at some point. =]…I have the same problem with this 13 year old girl and im 20..I know she thinking of me too…but im acting like im not paying attention…so yea hope I helped. =]

Answer #8

I’ll have to agree with (it’s me b*tch).

Since he’s like 22 he could get into a lot of trouble for dateing someone who is under 18 ..and this is why he probly just wants to stay friends. For this reason I think he doesn’t want to hang out and give other people the wrong idea.

I’d just keep it a friendship until your 18 and then you could ask if he wants to date.

Answer #9

he cant be in a relationship with yu because he could go to jail yu have to atleast 18 to date or he could get in trouble for dating a minor just be his friend inless yu want something bad to happpenend to him

Answer #10

I think you should keep talking to him and see how it goes just being close mates

and later see if you think HES ready for the next level :)

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