Kicking me down for the count

I have been with hetr for three years…I love her miss her like never before…and I feel her attitude toward me about me and aall that sheet has changed over night…how do you get someone to listen to you who has hate for ears and bipolar for a mouth?I have tried everything I reallyy really want to see her in person and work this out but havent been able to… Love her so much im a puzzy when it comes down to this girl…even though I’ve said all of this I still havent really asked a wuestion…I guess im trying to vent anonimously to the world…but I really need help…I really need help…I feel alone for the 1st time in 3 years…what should can I do when I see her to get her to listen to me…?to get her to let her guard down and be there for me again…??I need some help…I am doing all ican to give her her “space” and la lal al but it is so hard for me…I can sleep knowing that we have anger or grudges fo eachother…

Answer #1

It sounds like she is distancing herself from the relationship - maybe its her way of saying she “sorta wants out.” HOWEVER…if you want to change that, like you said…give her here space. If you start doing more things with your friends, which I know is hard cause you care about her a lot…trust me…Do it! Slowly back away - and she will realize it and see it, and eventually start to go back towards you. If you really want to save your relationship…distance yourself more and don’t make yourself appear as if you really really depend on her. That’s a HUGE turnoff. Good luck :)

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