Vacant with Vagisil

It itches like crazy. A little burning. I put Vagisil on and it helps a little but I dont know whats going on! Im not slutty, dont screw around with guys but what the hell?? The farthest I’ve gone was making out, but whats the problem and how can I fix it?

Answer #1

I def. have to agree with the other two answers. I just think you have a little rush and your panties are rubbing against the rush. Just go to the doctor and see what he says and he will help you out. I def. don’t think you would get it just from making out. I think you are totally fine and every girl has a itch down there sometime.

Answer #2

you could have a little rsh caused by many things, your mums washing powder may have irritated you, or you could have had a reaction to your tampons or pads, go to your doctor so he can check it out and he’ll prob give you some cream to clear it up.

Answer #3

do u shave ????? if so that is y ur thing is ichy cause i shave and sumtimes i get ichy so it ant a big deal but i went to the doctor and got cream for it

Answer #4

There’s a good chance that you might have a yeast infection. I would go see your doctor to make sure though if this is the first time, just to make sure that that’s what it is. If it is they’ll probably give you some Diflucan. It’s in a pill form. After you’ve had your first yeast infection diagnosed you should know when you have another one so you can just go to the drugstore and pick up some Vagistat, or whatever brand you may choose.

Answer #5

It could be from a variety of different things.. from wear too tight panties, using too strong of soap, or even eating too much of a certain food. Vaginal itching isn’t always from sex.

I suggest switching to a milder soap like Summer’s Eve

And wearing cotton panties(not a thong till you get over the itching)

And just keep applying vagisil to relieve the itch.

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