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Mele Kalikimama is Hawaiian.
Does anyone know how to control a broom? - 1 Answers
I am wiccian, I got this new broom. It works but it vibrates hard, when your at a high level. Can some one please help me? Th...
Does anyone know who said this quote and if I'm saying it right? - 1 Answers
"If Jesus died on the cross to save us from our sins we would be making a mockery of his martydom if we didn't(sin)" I love t...
Does anyone know any native American mythological Godesses? - 3 Answers
My friend Ema drew a photo and she wants to know if their are any Godesses in tht culture. If no-one knows, then can anyone t...
Does anyone know the answer to this riddle greater than god? - 9 Answers
What is greater than God, More evil than the devil, The poor have it, The rich need it, And if you eat it, you'll die? Could ...
What are some characteristics of humorous and religous greeting cards? - 1 Answers
I know this is kind of a stupid question but i am writing a paper for my english class and i need more than just a few charac...
Does anyone know where I can get one of those things you use to talk to spirits? - 10 Answers
Iforget what its called,but its not a Ouija Board, its a type of recorder,I used to know what its called, but i forgot, like ...
does anyone knows real charms/spells? - 9 Answers
hi,does anyone knows real working spells/charms?if yes,then please tell me.if you know a website which has free real working ...
Does anyone know where to find this in the Bible? - 8 Answers
My aunt found out something I didn't know about in her bible.It was telling why God flooded the world.It said that demons wer...
Does anyone know any magic spells or potions? - 16 Answers
Does anyone know any magic spells or potions??
Anyone ever owned a Djinn? - 2 Answers
I been wanting to get one... I always hear really good things about them.
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