
Hello there. I would like to have advice, especially from males. Things are not going well in my 4 year relationship with my boyfriend. I heard stories that he has cheated on me with a couple of women throughout our relationship and so I confronted him. He told me that it is true and so he called a “break” to have space to think as he is confused at the moment. After 2 weeks I asked him if he can tell me what he’s thinking and so he told me that he doesn’t want to say something that he will regret later. What does that mean? He told me at the beginning of this year that he wants to marry me within 5 years. We are not in contact at all. The other day he drove passed me and he didn’t even wave. I’m heartbroken as I’ve never been unfaithfull. When we spoke two weeks back, we had a bit of a fall out (no screaming) and so he started laughing and told me that I’m the only person that puts a smile on his face when we have a fall-out. What is happening? I love this guy with my whole heart, but I’m busy with my last year of studying and need advice to help sort out my confused head. Thank you.

Answer #1

I agree with everyone else, however I think that you would be best forgetting this guy all together. I know you don’t want to hear this, but trust me in my experience with a guy that cheats you are just going to feel there is always going to be a chance he will do it again in the future and do you really want to spend the rest of your life living every day in fear that this may happen again? My philosophy is that once a cheater always a cheater, and I have learned this first hand with one of my ex girlfriends, and trust me most guys are worst than girls when it comes to that. You really have to look at it, if this guy really truly loved you he wouldn’t have hurt you in this matter. I know if i loved a girl I’d do anything for her, and would never cheat, or make her feel the way you probably do right now… left in the dark. (Like i said i know how it feels to be cheated on) I know its hard also to let something like this go, you have put a lot of time and effort in making your relationship grow into something long term, but the reality of it all is that this guy made a mistake that is irreversible because you are always going to wonder, and always going to have it in your head.

I hope it works out for you, and if you need someone to talk to… funmail me … ill be around. Jason

Answer #2

having someone be unfaithful to you hurts, and its so unfair to you. i think the best thing would be to try and forget about everything with him for a while and make studying your number one priority until things calm down. maybe things werent ment to be with you and your boyfriend.. or maybe you both just need some time. whats ment to be will happen

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