Unexplainable Hate

This is going to sound like a horrible thing, but I hate my Mother. My Father isn’t around, and really doesn’t care about me, but it feels like I love him more. I do not understand why I feel this way towards my Mother. What do you think?

Answer #1

If you’re Ma abuses you more or you don’t like her decisions it could lead you to belive that. You want someone in you’re life other than you’re Ma. Thats why you love dad more I think.

Answer #2

it could be that because your dad isn’t around you don’t wanna get to close to your mom because your subconcious might fear that she will leave to

Answer #3

First, you need to do some deep thinking. If you are old enough to understand adults then what is it that she does that annoys you. It is probably something she is not even aware of. But it also might be something that she can’t control without being couched, like for instance.. if she was raised by stern parents she might have values that does not permit her child to have a boyfriend until seventeen or eighteen when a lot of girls now days are going steady from sixth grade. Point being, watch your mother and when she does something that provokes those irritated feelings in you make a mental note, it will be easier to do the process of elimination. You never know your Father could match the profile of a ted bundy!!! Your mother has actually watered and weeded your heart (so to speak) and gave it some kind of love, it has grow this much..right?

Answer #4

First, you need to do some deep thinking. If you are old enough to understand adults then what is it that she does that annoys you. It is probably something she is not even aware of. But it also might be something that she can’t control without being couched, like for instance.. if she was raised by stern parents she might have values that does not permit her child to have a boyfriend until seventeen or eighteen when a lot of girls now days are going steady from sixth grade. Point being, watch your mother and when she does something that provokes those irritated feelings in you make a mental note, it will be easier to do the process of elimination. You never know your Father could match the profile of a ted bundy!!! Your mother has actually watered and weeded your heart (so to speak) and gave it some kind of love, it has grow this much..right?

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