
Me and my boyfriend have been close just as friends since the beggining of the year and this month he asked me out and I said yes we talk bout everithing and he tell me all of his secrets but he tells me that he want to lose it to me and I do to but I feel like I’m too young.. I’m 12 and he 13 he done things already but he still a virgin and we are really close so what should I do?? and if you agree day we should please tell me suggestions of were..:(

Answer #1

I’m not going to 100% agree with the people above me, but at 12/13? Losing your virginity is disgusting. Wait several more years until you consider it with a boyfriend of a at least a year or two, when you have 0 doubts.

Answer #2

Nope.. don’t do it. Sorry to say, but you have like a .001% chance to get out of highschool still in love with him. Save it until you get out of highschool, you will thank the wise old stranger in the end.

This is something that you can not take back.. don’t regret it.

Answer #3

Mr. Macky is right. Loseing your virginity early can have devistating consequences on the rest of your life. Its hard words to take in but please respect yourself.

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