What is up with this guy?

So there is this guy, lets say Josh, and Josh is very nice and sweet. We have been talking for a little while and im starting to like him. He stays up late to talk to me he says im beutiful and nice and wants to hangout with me. All the right signs are there. THen today he like kinda pursuaded me into telling him I like him kinda and hes like well im undecided.. im like well that kinda makes me feel sad. and hes like no pleasse cheer up im sad now . im like why you have no reason. and he says you’re my reason. Seriously what the hell is up with this guy? I am tired of this roller coaster of emotions its so annoying and I feel anxious.

Answer #1

i was kinda going threw the same thing but best thing you should do (only if you want to) is talk to him tell him how you feel and see if he feels the same way

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