ughh what do I do??*

I went swimming yesterday & 4got about sunblock, so now my nose is red,ah little of my cheeks are red, my eyes are red & a lil puffy. and my shoulders are red 2 thiz is my 1st time I ever get sun burned cause ususally I get dark cause I have a lot of melon in my skin. but since most of the summer I was indoors my skin was white and all. well thankies**

Answer #1

have you tried running away and joining the circus?

puh-lease if the circus needed more people they wouldn’t pick me.

Answer #2

aloe vera works the best!

Answer #3

Sun burn is nasty. what you’ve done is kill a load of skin cells by cooking them. you cant fix the dead ones so you need to help your skin renew them:

Cool bath, takes the heat out and reduces irritation. Soak a flannel in cold water and lay with it over your face. Aloe vera. this gel from a succulent plant(bit like a cactus) is used all over the world to treat burns. You can get it from the pharmacy.Smear it on and dont be tight with it! moisturize,moisturize,moisturize!!! Your skin will recover in a couple of days but dont be surprised if you get the dreaded ‘peeling’.

If your skin starts to peel or flake it will look a bit nasty but here’s what to do: if the skin underneath is red or shiny then dont touch it however annoying it is. the skin is still forming and shouldnt be exposed. If the skin underneath looks normal and healthy and the top layer is bone dry then it’s ok to peel. Stay outta the sun for a week now and be more carefull next time. best wishes

Answer #4

have you tried running away and joining the circus?

Answer #5

thank ya’ll so much :)

Answer #6

just put on some aloe vera lotion. it will help the healing process. no big deal!

Answer #7

hey naughty you fancy forgetting your sunblock lol try putting aftersun on,and stay out of the sun for a bit.till the reddish goes away

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