deleting you from myspace (PLEASE ANSWER I NEED YOUR ADVICE)

This guy that used to like me (which I like now) deleted me from his myspace…could that mean that he did that to get over me…so he wouldn’t see me in his friends list and I don’t know…any suggestions??

Answer #1

he’s not that into you… if he liked you he wouldn’t delete you…\

Answer #2

but my ex is still on my myspace and like im soo over him, but I still have him there…but before I had thoughts of deleting him TO GET OVER him but now I am over and I dont need to delete him…so you think this guy WANTS or is TRYING to get over me?b/c I really like him…and he knows I like him.

Answer #3

Yeah, most likely he did it because he’s over you, or trying to get over you.

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