The Venus Project?

In my view United states is corrupt!!! anyone else feel this way? There is a video called Zeitgeist Addendum stating the facts on the U.S please watch and let me know what you think. talks about fraud banks & money corupt of goverment monopoly interprise and profit!!! anyone seen it or watched it before? I believe you can find it on you tube. also on google (( you can look up :Zeitgeist Addendum ))

Answer #1

Recently saw it, didn’t like it overall. These documentaries are getting out of hand.

Part I: Not bad, although too much was made of the Horus-Jesus connection. There are some striking parallels, others are exaggerated. Time would’ve been better spent on Christianity’s many other pagan influences.

Part II: Yeah, the 9/11 conspiracy theories have been shown to be pure crap, time and time again. Enough already.

Part III: This was the worst part of the entire production. The idea that the world is moving toward a series of continental super-states, modeled after the EU, is utter nonsense to the point of being comedy. As for the claims about the Federal Reserve’s role in starting wars and economic problems, the documentary presents you only with the speculation they want you to accept, rather than an unbiased evaluation of all facts and evidence.

Hitler used conspiracy theories to blame Europe’s problems on Jews and communists. Now, as then, people get swept up in the mind-numbingly stupid reasoning of these theories.

Answer #2

rig - I couldn’t have expressed it better. Thanks.

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