Types Of Flames?

What is the difference between blue, green, red and natural torch/jet flames? What causes the colors to change, if they all use the same fuel? Which burns at the highest temperature? Does it have anything to do with the catalyst?

Answer #1

Thank you everyone! You’ve been a great help! =)

Answer #2

Mister Clam Said it best… Hes spot on. But Magnesium can also burn with a greenish yellow flame. not that its super important to know that. just thought I’d add.

Answer #3

Depending on the fuel being burned and the amount of oxygen enrichment, the flame will give off a different spectrum of light. This spectrum will follow the pattern of a rainbow. Coldest to hottest: Red Orange Yellow Green Blue Indigo Violet White

Also, combustion of certain materials will result in different colors of flames based on the color they turn when they oxidize. Magnesium burns white, copper burns green, cobalt burns blue, iron burns red, etc.

Answer #4

What can burn white hot? =o

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