Texting on Verizon

how much is a txt message? and how much is each minute on the phone? I have verizon btw

Answer #1

Texting is 5 cents per text - both incoming and outgoing.

A minute talking - is 10 cents.

Answer #2

get orange, and get the dolphine pack, top-up 10pounds and you get like 300 free text and fre internet use , soo the 10pound is for calls really :) goood ayy, orange sim cards you can get free off there site or go local shop they sell em for a £1 ,

including orange is the best most popular sim card make =\

Answer #3

I’m not sure what Verizon charges per text; most services charge 5 cents per text. If you’re a heavy texter, you might want to look into paying for an unlimited plan. If you really need to know the cost per text, call Verizon support.

Answer #4

We have Verizon also with the unlimited texting/pic text for $9.99 a month all of this unlimited if VERIZON TO VERIZON. It also has I think either 300 or 500 outside texts/pic texts from or to any one that is NOT on Verizon.

If you want the same for calling (unllimited to other Verizon customers or them to u) its another $9.99 a month $20 bucks a mth for anyone you call or calls you if they are on Verizon.

All of my daughters friends are on Verizon thank goodness, so she is talking receiving and calling, sending and receiving pic’s 24/7. Its a really good plan. Otherwise, we’d be broke!!! {=

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