Truth serum

Is there such thing as a truth serum? If so, why don’t police use it on highly-suspected criminals for honesty?

Answer #1

or Sodium amythal…

…it’s used to analyze psycotic patients and ONLY when there’s strict supervision from psychiatrists…I don’t know why they gave that name the truth serum…the patient just says what he or she believes regardless of the truth…for example the patient might be schizofrenic…and starts babbling about something that is unreal but in his head it’s quite real…the thing is if your so good at lying that you make yourself believe it it won’t work on you…and that’s the case with many secret agents…they’re so good in lying they don’t know what’s real or what’s not…it’s hard to administer this drug on them…

I read about a mossad agent who had to administer that serum ..he had to sit and really seperate fact from fantasy from a detainee..HE WAS A PSYCHIATRIST…or he wouldn’t know the difference…but most of them are quite obvious young and clearly nervous…it’s the ones that are hard to break that need this type of serum…

The truth serum is classified as torture under international law…I guess thats why you can’t use it in the justice system…

Answer #2

…sodium pentothal…

And I think the police don’t use it because its unconstitutional. The CIA on the other hand… is better at hiding things.

Answer #3

I think only the CIA or other intelligence service uses it for extracting information…might come in handy when suspecting a cheating boyfriend.

Answer #4

Yes, and it is illegal to use them unless the person says it is OK. And then the info is not admissible in court.

Answer #5

uhhh… no thats what a lie detector is for…

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