
Ok me and my boyfriend have been going out since 01.23.09 and when he found out we been going out longer than 3 months he started acting up, can you tell me whats going on and what should I do cause I love him?

Answer #1

I hope you aren’t those type of girls that celebrates aniversary every month… I hope you aren’t those girls that expects a gift on a three month aniversary… I would act up too..

Answer #2

What do you mean “acting up?” How so?

Well, some guys who are not use to being in a long and committed relationship start to act funny because being with one girl for a long time makes them nervous because some girls start to get really clingy. I don’t know the case with you and your boyfriend but even couples who have been together for years get nervous. Relationships are a lot of work and for a guy to step back and look at that… it takes a lot out of them.

Answer #3

define “acting up” please. can you explain yourself a bit more clearly?

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