Travel tips on a budget?

We are going to California for Christmas. We don’t have to pay for lodging because we are staying with friends and family. What are more ways we can cut costs?

Answer #1


You should talk to locals to find out the best and cheapest places to eat. Locals usually know secrets like that. Stay away from big tourist-y attractions, obviously. Go bargain shopping or to big thrift stores. Spend a lot of time outdoors and on the beach, especially in California.

Good luck.

Answer #2

You’re so lucky that you don’t have to pay for lodging because usually, the majority of your expenses would actually be spent on lodging. For more ways on how you can cut down on costs, you can book your flight on a weekday or on off peak seasons to get a discount on tickets, you could also lessen the frequency of eating and dining out. Always make sure to bring your own water when going out, as this will enable you to save some money. Look for deals, promos and sales if you are planning to visit some tourist spots. And before going crazy over souvenir shops which are highly expensive, try searching for shops first where locals usually shop. Check your credit reports prior to your trip so you can assess your budget accordingly. Check out the article to learn how to save money during travels:

Answer #3

Generally staying in hotels leads to more cost, really living with friends and relatives is the best option in states. With this you can maximum save the staying and food costs.

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