Transgendered Children

Does anyone here have a child thats transgendered? I am a 16 year old transgendered female. I am scared to tell my parents that im their daughter not their son they always thought I was and am. How can I tell them this without upsetting them or so they are not so confused? I know that my parents had nothing to do with who I am. I have felt this way for as long as I can remember wishing I had been born in a girls body but I wasnt and I want to live my life s the way it should have been sine I was born. Please Help.

Answer #1

So you were born with a boys sexual organ. At the picture of you at age 7 you were dressed as a girl. Since you have a Penis, when did your parents made the decission to start dressing their boy with girls clothes. I mean, from newborn and so on you must have been wearing boy clothes but somehow they decided to let your hair grow and dress you with girls clothes. So your parents know allready. I don’t get your issue.

Answer #2

ok so your saying that you have a penis but you want to have a vagina? Or are you saying that you have a vagina and want a penis? Transgendered means that you have Both Female and Male parts. Is that the case here? If you are GAY. Which is what im assuming. Then just come out and tell them. Dont keep it a secret.

Answer #3

Sarah you are right. You explained it well for the people who dont get it. Mandyloo thanks for your answer. Harley rider yes my parents and I always had argument about my hair being long but they finally gave in and let me keep it long.

Answer #4

well when you were 7 you looked a lot like a girl. could they not tell??

Answer #5

Doesnt transgendered mean you have both male and female parts? Wouldnt they know about this by now?

Answer #6

I’m assuming this a physical transgender issue. If so they would know already, due to the doctor saying “its a boy and a girl”.

If its a mental issue then just tell them.

Answer #7

when I was born I was born in a male body but born with the brain of a female.

Answer #8

Don’t they know, I mean looking at your pictue at age 7 on the outside you do look like a girl, did they not tell you that your hair was to long or your clothes were girls clothes? If you have a penis and you look like a girl, I would say they know, maybe they just don’t wan to face it. What do you look like now? Be who you want to be and your parents should support you and love you, if they don’t you can’t pretend to be someone you are not, then you will be miserable the rest of your life. If you want to be a girl, you sure do look like one at age 7.

Answer #9

What this person means is that she is physically 100% male but feels as though she should have been born physically female as she has a female mindset.

Someone with both male and female parts is called a hermaphrodite.

There’s no easy way to do it. If I was you I would speak to them both at the same time and explain calmly how you feel. Or maybe write a letter. If you plan to live your life as a female then you need to tell them as soon as possible so that they have time to get used to the idea.

Good luck x

Answer #10

There is no easy way to tell them. Just sit them down and tell them you have something very importnant to say and that you hope it doesn’t change the way they look at you. You can’t make people accept, and expect for them to be hurt/confused/angry. It’s a normal reaction. Give them time to accept it, dont rush things. If they really love you, they will come to realize that it doesn’t matter if you are their son or their daughter, because you are still their child. Congratulations on being true to yourself, it take a strong person to do that.

Answer #11

How can I be A tranny too

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