How do you deal with a break up after a year and a half?

so..after a year and a half, we’re over..and I don’t know..I feel so..empty.. :’(. I don’t want chocolate ice cream, I don’t want movies that make you sad, I just want him…only him. :’(…

Answer #1

Depends on what you’re asking when you say ‘deal’.

If you want to stop being sad, all you can do is distract yourself. Do things that make you happy. When you’re happy, you’re brain won’t let you think about things that make you sad. It doesn’t work that way. If you do this enough, you’ll think about him less and less.

If you really want to lose the feelings you have for him, replace him. Get another boyfriend, and make sure he’s a good one. When you start liking him more and more, it’s going to push some of the feelings you had for the old one away. There’s only so much room insde you for feelings :P

Unfortunately, you’re never really going to be ‘over’ him. People don’t forget things. If you’re still thinking about him after a year and a half, you’re still going to be 10 years from now. All you can do is find ways and do things to make those feelings come less often, and not hurt as much.

Hope this helped :)

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