Why am I suddenly rebelling?

I’m young, but I’ve noticed a couple of changes in my mental state of mind. I promised myself when I was 9, I wouldn’t act like I’m acting now. I keep rebeling agaist my parents (my mother, especially..) and I don’t like it. I find myself pissed at them for doing the littlest things. My mom ebarassed me in front of a good friend of mine, and I went insane at her. She had to pull me aside to get me to quit it, and I felt terrible after it because I felt so immature. I mean, am I losing it? My dad says I have a lot more common sense and maturity than a good majority of my peers, but I start to wonder. Why am I pissed at them so much? Why do I let myself overreact..? I love them, I know I’m a good kid, but this is ridiculous!

Answer #1

That is so great that you don’t want to act out like that and know that’s not the mature way to handle problems.

How old are you? It’s possible that it’s hormones. When I was going through puberty, I was extremely snotty. I was just annoyed by everything it seemed.

If you feel like you might have an anger management problem, then you might be able to talk to a therapist about it.

Answer #2

its probably hormones like back in the fourth grade i didnt like rap now i kinda like it its just your brain macking adjustments

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