Too short :-(

OK so I just recently had an audition for the dance team for the Chicago Bulls. I made it through phase after phase and it got down to the finals and they called me and said “You’re a great dancer, and cute as a button, but we are looking for someone a little taller. We’re sorry.” Now obviously I cant really do anything about my height but my question to you all is: Has anyone else had a similar experience? Was there anything you did/could do to improve the situation?

Answer #1

Yuppers, my parents got me into ballet when I was little and by the time I was like 15 I was REALLY good… && I went to audition for I can’t even remember what lol but I made it through to final phase where they told me that I was a great dancer, very young, very pretty, but too big and kinda short. They were like we can over look you being short, but if you really want to do this go lose 20-30lbs and come back, and you’ll fer sure get in. I didn’t do it… I was 5’1” and I only weighed a bit over 100lbs… Losing that much would put me veryyy underweight, so I told them to screw themselves haha. Not in those words per se but thats what I’d of said now-a-days where I actually cuss =P hahaaa

There wasn’t anything I could do except option A.) lose weight and go back, OR option B.) drop it.

So I dropped it and got over it, and now I’m glad that I DIDN’T do it… cause of how much it fucks up your feet lol xD

Answer #2

No, unfortunatley we do not. A lot of states do, and you can’t discriminate on height UNLESS height could be an issue. If it had been some normal desk job, saying I was too short would have been illegal, but since it actually does matter they can say what they want.

It sucks!

But im slowly getting over it. Im trying to tell myself that its best to have a more stable career anyway :-)

Answer #3

well I want to be a flight attendant but I cant due to my height. there are height restrictions…there are minium and maximum heights. Im 4’11 or 150cm so I am under the minimum height. the height that you need to be a flight attendant in australia is 163cm to 183cm. the way I dealt with this sitautaion was look at other careers that I am interested in doing and or other careers that offer travel oppurtunties…

Answer #4

do you not have the same laws in the USA as UK that you can not be discriminated in any way (age, height, looks, sexuality etc) thus they cant reject you from the job or dancing if your to small or to tall as you can legally take them to court for this :D.

Answer #5

Ya had a compition to make it to CIF( big wrestling turniment 4 state) but as I got they said sorry but you don’t have the required amount of particpated game so didn’t let me in so I no figure out how many I have to do

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