Toern Between Friends And Boy

thers this boy that one of my m8s is going out tith. he me go back and we used to have somthink between us and I still no that there is somthink there betwwen me and him. I don’t no what to do, do I tell me baest mate? or do I talk to him and ask is there ever a chances? please help

Answer #1

NO ! NO ! NO! RULE number one is to never ever ever let a guy between you and your friend, you could risk losing your best friend. ‘Friends are FOREVER, BOYS are WHATEVER’. You can be honest with her, and tell her what you think, that is if you want to risk breaking your friends heart, it depends how serious they are and how serious you are about him . I mean if its just physical i bet you there are a million better looking guys. GOOD LUCK.

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