Too fast?

ok so me and my boyfriend have only been dateing 4 1 week. we make out all the time. and we have done dirty things without takin out clothes off.and he told me he loves me is it too soon.???(even though we;ve known each other 4 a long time.)?

Answer #1


Answer #2

All people who said yes go f yalls self no I fell inlove after three days now three years pass and now I’m getting married. This may seem quick but it’s not it will be some real time before anything real serious will happen. But what you should be asking yourself is do I love him backs

Answer #3

Ummm saying “I love yous” after only a week is not advisable. Just saying.

I don’t mean to judge or sound mean and critical, but since you write the word “for” as a number in your question, I doubt you’re TOO old.

I know everything is relative, but age has something to do with what you should and shouldn’t be doing. That’s what I personally believe. 15-16…try to hang on to your virginity. Do other things. And be careful. Obviously.

But regardless of age, 1 week into things…lots of making out is more than fine. A good rule of thumb is not to do something if you’re having too many doubts.

Answer #4

It could b too fast. you said u’ve known him for a while so maybe all this time he really developed feelings for u. Well, stick to the making out and give it some time. Get to know each other outside of sexual interest like dating and hanging out and communicating. Get to know him deep down and have fun outside like here and there. Remember, friends first…relationship second. I can tell you a story about me but u’d have to funmail me for that one! lol ok tc

Answer #5

Its too soon! Your relationship is souly based on lust, not love. My boyfriend and I havent even gotten sexual yet, and we are both adults. We spend quality time together, and just enjoying each others company. If you cant go a day without getting physical, then you arent going to be able to have fun just being together on a social level. At your age, your not yet experienced enough to differenciate between love & lust. Being sexual too soon ruins all the other important aspects of a relationship. You cant possibly fall in love in 1 week. Love takes a long time to develop!

The six BIGGEST mistakes we make in the beginning of a relationship:

  1. We don’t ask enough questions.
  2. We ignore warning signs of potential problems.
  3. We make premature compromises.
  4. We give in to Lust Blindness.
  5. We give in to material seduction.
  6. We put Commitment Before Compatibility.
  7. We often mistake the feeling of “being inlove” with “just being inlove with the idea of falling inlove”.
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