Timeouts causing data loss?

I’ve noticed for the last 4 to 6 months that if I spend a really long time answering a question, e.g. over 10 mins, I hit send and I lose it. It goes to the home page and the url says something about lost data. It’s fairly demoralizing to sit and type from your heart and hit send and it’s all gone. Many times I haven’t bothered to recreate.

Of course the obvious answer is to always save to the clipboard or notepad before you send… but it’s one of those things that’s hard to remember for me.

A few others have commented on it, so I wonder a) if the techs are aware of it or b) if anything can be done to stop it from happening.

Answer #1

Hm, it’s something to do with our cookie system…I hadn’t realized this would be a side effect (sorry) and now that you’ve brought it up, we’ll definitely figure out a solution.

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