Can I make my vagina tighter?

I want to have a tight pussy, since my boyfriend says that I am unable to satisfy him.

Answer #1

Many years ago, prostitues used Powdered Alumn to tighten up after so many uses.

Answer #2

YES. it may take some time, but i definetly know what i am talking about. okay, this ishow you do it. its something called kegel excercise. its when u hold ur urine flow in for as long as you can, or tighten up that muscle like 200 times a day. it will greatly increase your sexual pleasure and tighten u up. its also healthy and makes births easier and stops leakage for when you get older. guys should do it too, unles they want to be using viagra at an earlier age.

Answer #3

maybe he is just small? think that he might have the disfunction? just me thoughts

Answer #4

A friend told me that if you take a douche whit cold water for about 30 minutes everyday, of course only in the vagina let it be there. and it gets tighter.. I dunno I never tried but I’m going to and then I will say if it works or not.. there’s also the sexshop creams that thight your vagina I hope I helped you ‘cause I’m searching for an answer too bye.. hope I helped and maybe its not you the problem maybe its him and there is a thing you can do when you are having sex you can.. how can I say it.. “close” your vagina push it I dunno how to say there is a lot of things you can do or to fake or really make it tighter

Answer #5

maybe your boyfriend needs some larger equipment!

Answer #6

How can I make my vagina tighter

Answer #7

Maybe he just has a baby penis. [:

Answer #8

Yeah there is a way, one is tell you BF to go down on you and give your pussy a break… Two I heard ginger made in a certain way helps… There are different ways

Answer #9

all you have to do is douche your vagina with a little bit of powdered alum,in the grocrie store isle instead of using expensive stuff that never works if it’ll draw up cucumbers for pickles it’ll do the same for u

Answer #10

Maybe some kind of sleeve. Works for worn engine cylinders,

Answer #11

how can I make my vagina thighter

Answer #12

I use the douche and vinegar and they are the best and vinegar too helps eliminate smell

Answer #13

I heard that if you take a little ziplock baggie (like a sanwitch bag) and put vinegar in it then stick the corner of the bag filled with it in your vagina for a minute or two and that will make it tighter. The way they turn cucumbers into pickles is by vinegar, and that makes it shrinnnk, so I guess that has something to do with it. goood luck! (:

Answer #14

This pond is deeper than it seems on the surface. Even if the issue was the tightness of your vagina he has no right to complain about not being able to get off. I agree with others here that his girth may be the issue but that not withstanding he has as many nerve sensors in the head of his penis as any other guy. Now if you want to do something to improve the tightness and improve your control for your own satisfaction as well as his then you could do the kegal excercises or carry the training balls in your vagina. You will gain benefits from either one that will last your lifetime. Just as you are responsible for your own orgasm, so is he. Sounds like he is a little self centered here. Hope it works out for you both.

Answer #15

There’s nothin wrong with you first off. your pussy is probably tight, but is your bf thick? maybe the problem is with him and he’s puttin it on you. i heard that if you use a douche of water and vinegar, it’ll tighten you up a little bit, i dunno how true dat is but it can’t hurt to try. and if he’s not willing to work with you or show u how to please him, he may not be worth it.

Answer #16

Kegal exercises are your best bet…I wld say in 2 weeks of those exercises will make a big differance ..once you have mastered your kegals there are endless possibilitys..u can control his thrust, you can suck him in which he will sweel like no other…but if your looking for something right now, you can order through slumber parties there the best not only does it feel good for him but it will also makeu think he’s a lot…hope that helps good luck

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