Describe the work "LOVE" without these words?

can anybody describe the work “LOVE” without using the words: Emotions Feelings Caring Trust or like

Answer #1

Would die for.

Answer #2

depends, on what context the word is being used in.

I ‘love’ TGIfridays jack danials sauce, but not in the same way I ‘love’ my children,

I ‘love’ my mum, but not in the same way I ‘love’ my husband…

either, love is a word you use to express the importance of a thing, regardless of definition, love is different from one person to the next.

how I ‘love’ my child is differently demonstrated to how a women who beats her children ‘love’ them.

so I think that ‘love’ is a matter of perception as much as expression…

I ‘love’ my children, but when I am repremanding them, they don’t think I ‘love’ them…

so I don’t think ‘love’ is merely a word that represent a mutitude of words, I think society, culture, religion and many other factors influence how we, as people ‘love’

Answer #3

Surrounding yourself in the white light of the Holy Spirit is LOVE

Answer #4

I beleive that the only LOVE that has ever set foot on this world is GOD. We all claim to Love but there was no and is no other higher and GREATER love then GODS! Love . Love. I feel the definition of Love is . Well there is no definition. Its what you make it. :) <3

Answer #5

The definition I’ve always used is: regarding the happiness of someone else above that of yourself.

On a personal not, anyone who uses the word “love” to describe anything served at TGI Fridays desperately needs to be trying some new restaurants. :)

Answer #6

mikeh A) I travel 45 miles to my nearest tgi’s…seriously - I am an amazing cook, I can cook pretty much anything, hence the reason why when it comes to food, it only thngs I can’t make / or make better that I need to go to a restaurant and eat…

seriously! I can make nearly anything…TGI sauce, however, is the one thing I have struggled to do. I have tried many many recipes, no joy though.

so, yes, I love TGI becuase it’s one of the few things I can’t male myself ;OP

and B) it was a metaphore!

Answer #7

When you’re a woman and you have a baby come out of your belly. Something opens up inside of you and you look at the baby who means more to you than anything in this world and you know what “love” is. Until then everything else is just a pale comparision to what you feel for your children. So yes, I can describe in words what “love” is.

Colby, Ethan & Kylee

The three people in this world that I would die for. The three people in this world who I would do anything to protect. The three people in this world who I would live for.

To me, that says what “love” means.

Answer #8

“Love” is when that person means the world to you. And you’d do anything for them =] yes I go with “sacrifice.” When they are all you hope and think about and dream and they make you happy.

Answer #9

Love is where you spend time with each other and look out for each other =/

Answer #10

Love is not something you can fall out of.

Answer #11

I dont no:s sorry

Answer #12

Can’t live without you…

Thinking of you constantly…

Answer #13


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