This is SUCH a horrible bedtime prayer!


Now I lay me down to sleep, I pray the Lord my soul to keep. If I should die before I wake, I pray the Lord my soul to take. And if He should give me one more day, I pray I will walk in His Way. And when my days are at an end, I pray at Heaven’s Gate, He will invite me in.

That’s horrible! I wonder how many kid’s go to bed wondering if they are going to die! Talk about nightmares!! GOD!

Answer #1

So you would rather a child believe that he/she would never die?

Answer #2

I didn’t mean it would give me nightmares! I meant those kids would probably get nighmares.

Answer #3

haha your right. back when I was a poor little christian kid, I remember it did scare me, as well as one other one…

Answer #4

Nice job thex13thxchild!!!

Answer #5

guilt and fear… guilt and fear…

the way to keep any child in line.

Answer #6

(can’t believe I’m defending this one) You have to put into consideration how old this is. Way back when anything could happen. Plague, sudden natural disaster(notice most of the biblical cities set their selves up for that. Example: Newmorasp? was built on top natural explosive gases, sulfatecalled brimstone at the time & tar. There was a massive earthquake which released the gasses, a single spark lit flame to it & the whole city when up in flames). Yes it is a horrific prayer, especially for young children to say, but way back when, they really didn’t know if they would survive the night. Now it’s just tradition I guess. Why do they keep this up, I couldn’t say.

Answer #7

Didn’t scare me…probably just said it, and didn’t think about it…


Answer #8

If fear be necessary to save a soul from the wrath of almighty God, than so be it.

Answer #9

it didnt scare me… but I didnt say that prayer I said my own..

Answer #10

I had never heard the last part of that, but, the first four verses, were very precious to me, as I was growing up, and they still mean the same today. I am very greatful that my parents taught me that prayer, and I would be very glad to teach it to my grandchildren.

Answer #11

I just say in my little bed I lye heavenly father hear my cry lord protect me trought this night and keep me safe till morning light amen

Answer #12

To me, you’re super sensitive and your interpretation is wierd - script from ‘Nightmare on Elm Street’ might be nightmarish though.

Answer #13

I prefer this one, a lot:

Angel of God, My guardian, dear, To whom God’s Love Commits me, here. Ever this day, Be at my side, To light, To guard, To rule And Guide. Amen.

Answer #14

lilthuggin07 I take offence to your ignorance. Not every child is the same, some do actually worry about death because of the prayer. Though it may not be many, but still. Open your eyes, we’re not all drones.

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