This is sirous

my mom drinks too much somtimes and acts like a different person,…I asked her to stop but she didnt…she embarres me when my friends come over cause she acts odd and weird and I am realy scared…it is sooo hard and I am afraid if my friends no about my mom they wont be my friends anymore…somtimes I wish for a new mom and I cant do much cause I am about 12 years old… I need help… I am also I am going to do the same thing when I am oler and I wont have any self control… I love my mom…and also I thinkmy dad might want to divorse her 4 that reason… my life is tearing apart please help me someone!

Answer #1

Have your dad enroll her into rehab and you and your dad try and get rid of any alcohol in the house,always pay attention to where she goes even if she tells you where she’s going. Tell her how it’s affecting the family.

Answer #2

well she dosent overdose but she turing into a alcolic and my uncle (her twin) does it REALY bad. I hope it doesent happen to me sooo bad!!!

Answer #3

adding to my question I am WORRYED that it is going to happen 2 me and I wont have any self control…srry I typed to fast

Answer #4

If you have tried to talk to her and appealed to her on a emotional level and she still won’t quit , that’s trouble. She will probably have to take the path of hitting bottom, then will see if that makes her change. When addictions get their hooks into you nothing else matters, it’s a course that only time can change.

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