this is for everybody out there...

who has struggled with acne..what products worked really well? and what other products didnt? I need to know, because one of my friends is pretty much desperate now. shes gone to a dermatologist and everything, nothing seems to work. please let me know! k thanks.

Answer #1

well although I do not have acne yet, (oh no!) my bro like has pro activ, and he doesnt use it much. but then one day he did and the next it was allready disaperaing. well I guess it depends for every person though. good luck.

Answer #2

For me personally Dermalogica Clay Cleanser works wonders, it’s quite expensive but it lasts quite long. You can get it at Dermalogica Salons

Answer #3

Wow… lol proactive… sounds niceee! hehe maybe my sis needs some hehe! just kidding sis!

Answer #4

panoxyl aqua gel or face wash 5. its v gud am using it.but it will dry her skin.or you can ask your gp because my sis had really bad acne and doc gave her some medicine for 6 months and now her skin iz soo really workd. am going to try that aswell but my acne iz not very bad.sorry I dont know da name of that medicine.ask your doc if he can help her.

Answer #5

if it is that bad then tell ya friend 2 use PROACTIVE or laser treament if her parents let her

Answer #6

Proactive is GREAT. WHen I started using it, it didnt really work. But then I talked to the people at the company and they have Proactive Extra Strength. They sent it to me instead of the regular stuff. I’ve been using it for a year and havent had a single breakout!

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