There's this guy that I'm in love with

I have a huge crush on my one friend. He’s one grade lower than me, and I only started to really know him this year, but really like him. He’s also friends with all of my other friends. but anyway, I am like in love with him. But I’m so shy, I won’t even tell my best friend I have a crush on him. if I did tell her, it’s possible she could get us together, if he liked me at all. But I don’t know if he does. For like a year he had liked his ex, but I don’t know if he still does. At this one school dance I kept moving next to him subtly, and he looked at me a little, but we didn’t dance or anything. I don’t know what to do, I really like him, and I have never had a boyfriend before. If anyone has any advice, please help, it would be greatly appreciated!

Answer #1

ok. I have been in this exact situation and I know exactly how you feel. but you just need to brave it out and tell him. thats exactly what I did. and it turned out he felt the same way about me but was also to shy to say something. and if you think your best friend can get you two together then tell her! thats what best friends are there for.

Answer #2

hey dont be shy sweetie you only have life and im sure you want the best of it. go after what you want and make all your dreams come true because if not your going to regret it when your older. if you like him try to be brave and tell him and if its your best friend you should be able to tell her anything and be your self around her.

hope I helped baby_doll_7

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