Is anyone happy that the Giants won the 2008 Super Bowl?

Is any one happy that the giants won the supper bowl?? I am b/c my cuzin plays for the giants and he might not come back next season. If there is any hater let your self be known…

Answer #1

I think the giants are horrible eli is living off his brothers name and the defense bails him out and the pats should have won that game so to answer your question nooo way

Answer #2

I am very happy I odnt like teh patriots at all they are a bunch of cheaters who didnt even deserve to be there …Thats my opinion

Answer #3

im with metalhead, I didn’t want the patriots to win so I was rooting for the giants

Answer #4

I was kind of happy, I didn’t really care who won though.

Answer #5

I didn’t really care I’m Steelers all that way!! :]

Answer #6

well I hate the Patriots, so I love the fact that the giants won. and if your because isnt cumin back next season thats because he sucks and a Super Bowl winning team doesnt want him

Answer #7

I think the giants lucked out myself. It kinda sucks it ruined the patriots perfect season but I don’t like the pats anyway. The thing that bothers me the most is I really don’t like Eli manning.

Answer #8

oh yeah!

Answer #9

hella no because I hate the gaint’s.I wasn’t goning for anyone I watched it just to see who will win

Answer #10

I am very happy I odnt like teh patriots at all they are a bunch of cheaters who didnt even deserve to be there …Thats my opinion

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