Temptation-christians please

Ok I need some advice from real christians. I met this guy who started coming to my church and we cant date bc my parents think im too young. Well, we recently had a lock-in at church and me and him made out several times in the church. And it got pretty heated bc we relly like each other, may even love each other. We were really close to havin sex. I want to wait until im married but it shocked me that I wanted to do that. What advice do yall have to keep me away from temptation or to help me with it?

Answer #1

Ha Ha Ha making out in a church… That’s funny. I don’t really think it’s very respectful to make out and almost have sex in a Church though. I think you should really work on your foundations as a Christian. Here’s the facts, the Bible tells us that when we have sex with a person be become connected to that person and become a part of each other. That’s why we wait until we find “the one” because sex is so special.

You shouldn’t have sex with him until you are Married because even if you think he is “the one” he might not feel the same (even if he tells you he does). You don’t wanna go an have sex with him and then find out that he’s not “the one”. Then if you ever have sex again that’s committing adultery and you don’t want that. Just wait until marriage, that way you can be sure that both you and he are willing and committed to a long and happy life together. Just don’t rush into anything, you’re young and you have plenty of time to get to know him and be really sure if he’s for you, and be respectful of God’s house you little punks, no making out in Church okay :)

Answer #2

Hi, there are so many dimensions to your question so I’ll start with this. Church really isn’t the place to be “physically active”, don’t you think? Also, don’t let the physical side of you out rule the spiritual. Yes, it’s very hard at your age to “deny yourself” as scripture says to, but there is a reason for that. And it’s this. When you have a sexual relationship with another person scripture refers to it as the “two become one flesh” this means that you become not only one in the physical sense but more importantly in the spiritual sense. God intended love making to be pure and between a husband and a wife as they explore each others body in the beauty by which it was intended. By choosing to operate outside of this you will be setting yourself up for a world of hurt. Think down the road for a moment. Say you decide to have sex with him and you later find out that was all he wanted. He then wants nothing to do with you. Or you get pregnant or get a disease. What about your reputation? Value yourself much higher than that. Your body is the best gift you could ever give to your future husband. Yes, it’s hard to say no and it goes against everything society tells you but in the long run you will be very much better off for having waited. Talk to your youth leader or another person in your church you trust and really, really pray about this. Don’t be so willing to just throw your purity out the window for the sake of feeling good for a couple of minutes.

Answer #3

Im not religious, im spiritual, I believe in God, and in spirit and soul. Are you prepared to traumatise your soul by giving away virginity to a person who may not be worthy of it?

I believe the all mightly God, would not get angry at none of his creations since anger is evil but God is good, instead IN PURE LOVE he teaches us how to live when sending us life lessons.

Before you loose your virginity, think carefully, are you ready to give it to this one boy?? Do you really want to give your virginity on cold stone floor or in bushes?? Its only sacred when you both love and cherish one another, the marital vows, what do they mean to you? Think about those words, think about the Moses’s 10 commandments, and follow them in your life. Pure lust and sex is bad and evil and causes degradation of communities and civilisations. It does not bring any good. Set the lust aside and ask yourself- Do YOU love that boy? Do YOU know what the love is?

Seriously, DONT DO IT at a spur of a moment, so many people regret it afterwards, first make sure you actually love this guy, and its not just a sexual attraction.

Answer #4

Teen years was considered a young adult many many years ago. Now with our poor public schools we have pushed that to a higher age.

Answer #5

I know this may not help but I hope it does anyway. Just don’t have sex! Everytime you two get close to it think of all the results that may happen if you did. (STDs, pregnancy, regret, no satisfaction, or even if people start to look down on you.)

Answer #6

I had a lock-down just recently also.. And I had a few times where I could have kissed a guy, But I felt wrong about it… and I thought I should just wait because I’m at church first of all!!! :P And I believe you should wait till your married to have sex, because if you don’t… then a lot of things could turn out bad (for ex. getting pregnant:P) And do w.w.j.d :)

Answer #7

Ok, you need seriously think about how important your faith is? Jesus says “If you love me you will keep my comandments”. No one said it would be easy, because it is NOT! But it temptation is a slipperty sloap, I suggest you sit down with him and ask him what he believes. You might find that you are on totally different pages or maybe the same one. Pray for strength and the courage you will need to save your virginity for your future husband, do you really want to throw it away on a possible shallow relationship? The Bible also tells us to marry if we cannot control ourselves. You sound like a wonderful person in Christ, it is tough to be young and single. But beleive me God will reward you for doing what is right. And he might just lovingly discpline you for not! Blessings, Christianwalk

Answer #8

One good thing about deciding that you will have sex, is that you will be prepared when the time comes, to protect yourself from pregnancy and disease.

Supposing there is a god of some kind out there, does it really make sense he would make the teen years the sexual peak as far as hormones and desire are concerned, and yet also expect people not to have sex? Is he malicious, or merely incompetant?

Answer #9

Being a christian does not give you immunity to these feelings. They are there because even though you are saved, the devil still wants you to fail. He wants to make an example out of you so that everyone can see a christian fail. These temptations make us stronger though. Job was tempted to cursing G-d’s name but in the end he was well rewarded for it. These trials give you strength, every time you are tempted you are growing stronger in G-d. Remember very few have shown this kind of courage, you will be respected for it.

Answer #10

I have Catholic though im not very religious. But I do follow certain things. I believe that when you should follow your temptation should depend on how comfortable you are with this boy. Honestly you two are dating whether yall know it or not lol.

So I think you should follow your heart. But dont do anything in the spur of the moment. If you do anything more with him, make it be becuase you absolutely want to.

Answer #11

16-17 is too young to date? That’s practically the age of consent…

Answer #12

hey first how old are u? lol I read this and was like duude this doesnt hapen in our church now I feel left out! lol

Answer #13

My wife and I waited to have sex till we were married, but we did not remain completely pure throughout our dating and engagement. Let me first say that I wish we had, because sex is a wonderfully beautiful thing, and much of our actions before we were married caused us to not feel as good about it as it is. But I do know, how incredibly hard the temptation is to resist.

Honestly, I think the best thing you could do, would be tell your parents and talk to them about it, and not us strangers on this blog, but I know that is probably not going to happen.

The best way to fight the temptation, I would say is to avoid it completely. The wrong decision often times isn’t deciding to have sex for the first time, but to put yourself in the position where there was a chance of it. But even that isn’t always possible.

The only thing I can really say that I can feel confident in saying is to trust God. If God truly loves us, and wants what is best for us, then trust that he has a reason for you to wait. Everything God created was good, but sin is from the good going bad. Sex is a truly good thing, but outside of marriage it becomes spoiled, and becomes much less than its truly amazing self.

God Bless You, remember He Loves you deeply, more than anyone.

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