The 3 month old baby im watching is teething

The 3 month old baby im watching is teething.. And I was just wondering if it was normal for them to not want a bottle while they are teething.. Sometimes [but not always] when I try to feed her, she will start to cryyy like it hurts her mouth to have the bottle in there.

Answer #1

she has some tylenol from when she got her shots, but I dont have it at my house.. I will go get it tomorrow though.. She has something else for teething too, I cant remember what it is, but ill see if it works better than the orajel. I just tried the teething ring again, she doesnt want anything to do with it.

Answer #2

Do you have any Motrin or Tylenol. There is a chance that the orajel may burn a little maby since the skin is broken. When my son cut teeth I just used Motrin or Tylenol and it worked really good but I got bedtime orajel and it is a little stronger and I thought it worked awesome.

Answer #3

Nope, its definitely her teeth.. I can see and feel them coming in. she will be 4 months on the 15th.

She isnt my baby, so I dont want to buy her Motrin, and have it do something bad to her.. it seems like everything new we try has a bad reaction on her.. so I think im just going to stick with Tylenol. Sometimes she will chew on a wash cloth, and sometimes she wont..

Answer #4

Motrin actually works better for teething. When my kiddo shows definate signs of teething, I switch out Motrin (IB Proffen) and Tylenol every three hours. Some babies won’t take to teething rings. Have you tried a damp wash cloth? My daughter likes to chew on tooth brushes. The orajel rubs don’t last very long. Three months seems really early to be teething. Could the baby have a little gas that is making him/her fussy?

Answer #5

beautiful2u2- her mom doesnt want her to use a pacifier.. so I dont want to try that..

Answer #6

Yes, because it hurts their mouth. Do you have some kind of teething ring you can give him/her or orajel?

Answer #7

yeah, I put orajel[well actually its a generic brand, does that make much of a difference?] on her gums last night, and she just cried even harder.. and she doesnt understand the teething ring, I tried to put it in her mouth for her, but she just turns her head, and she wont do it herself. I havent tried it for a while though, so ill try again to see what she does.

Answer #8

yea give them something to bite on..something chewy if they have a pacifier

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