Do teenage relationships last?

Me and My BoyFriend Have been dating for 8 months and 18 Days we just Graduated 8th Grade and in about a month we will be Freshmans. He was my First Everything and I was his. We have talked about colleges and getting married and everything and i red something on the internet saying teenage relationships never last, But I can tell him everything and he can tell me everything. Do you think there is a possibility it could last?!?!?! I love him with all my Heart and I know he loves me more than anything in the world he will literally do anything for me.

Answer #1

It’s not that teenage relationships never last, it’s just usually not likely to happen. People go through many changes in their teenage years, that’s generally when you develop yourself more into what you will be as an adult. Often these changes push people apart, the hormones definitely don’t help either. That being said, it is entirely possible you and your boyfriend will grow up and live happily ever after, just don’t necessarily expect it to happen.

Answer #2

More than often it doesn’t. Teenagers keep growing and going through changes both mentally and physically. This tends to separate people in relationships a little down the line. As well, majority of young teen’s relationships are wholly hormonal, which obviously, isn’t really the basis for a proper relationship, and is bound to destruct eventually on its own. It doesn’t mean EVERY teenage relationship will end badly, I have seen few teenage relationships end in marriage, my parents one of them. I just wouldn’t keep your hopes up too high on the relationship lasting forever, just enjoy the moments you have with the person and see where it goes. Who knows, it might, it might not, but you’ll move on.

Answer #3

98% of teenage love doesn’t last because people are trying to find themselves and changing etc

Answer #4

Some do. it just depends on the people involved and what they are willing to do and if they actually want a relationship.Just have some fun while you can, you are still young:)

Answer #5

I got to know my husband when I was 16. We were a couple since I was 17. Married him when I was 19… And we’re married for 9… no wait 10 years now. So I guess some do.

Answer #6

Sometimes they do, sometimes they dont. My aunt and uncle dated in high school and college then got married and are stll married almost 20 yrs later

Answer #7

It’s just stats hun, no need to fret about it, as mentioned it’s because you’re still growing and your personalities are bound to change as you learn and experience new things, as well as meet new people in high school. As long as you embark on your life with faith and trust in one another - anything is possible in my opinion and forever can happen :) my top advice to you is not to think too far down the line as much… you’ve still got high school as well as uni/college and finding a job to accomplish, enjoy your life while you’re still young and be happy at where you’re at for you and him still have a long way to go!

Answer #8

No,They should be a time to enjoy and not ruin the rest of your life,I know because,I was not about birthcontrol and got 2 kids now lol..Don’t get all hormone crazy please.

live ur life and party and have fun and dont’ kill anyone.

Answer #9

yeah they do if ur really in love and feel like ur ready 4 it and if u dont move to fast ..they can last ..believe me my mom and dad have been together since they where 15 :)

Answer #10

well my friends’ relationships last less than a year. so i guess the odds are a couple of months. maybe because they eventually get bored of eachother actually, i just started dating my first gf 2 days ago and i wonder how long that will last

then again, my chemistry teacher married her highschool sweetheart. so you never know how many days it can last

Answer #11

They do and don’t….. my brother dated his girlfriend from 9th grade til he graduated college and then they got married. The reason why those relationships don’t last that long is because at that age ya’ll are still growing and changing and maturing….. I’ve had relationships in the past where either I have changed or they have changed and it drove us apart. As long as whenever there is a problem y’all work it out in stead of running to the break up card. Just because it isn’t very common doesn’t mean it is impossible. Good luck

Answer #12

They do and don’t….. my brother dated his girlfriend from 9th grade til he graduated college and then they got married. The reason why those relationships don’t last that long is because at that age ya’ll are still growing and changing and maturing….. I’ve had relationships in the past where either I have changed or they have changed and it drove us apart. As long as whenever there is a problem y’all work it out in stead of running to the break up card. Just because it isn’t very common doesn’t mean it is impossible. Good luck

Answer #13

They do and don’t….. my brother dated his girlfriend from 9th grade til he graduated college and then they got married. The reason why those relationships don’t last that long is because at that age ya’ll are still growing and changing and maturing….. I’ve had relationships in the past where either I have changed or they have changed and it drove us apart. As long as whenever there is a problem y’all work it out in stead of running to the break up card. Just because it isn’t very common doesn’t mean it is impossible. Good luck

Answer #14

most of the time no

Answer #15

They last if the people in the relationship are both mature and know how to handle situations without freaking out or getting dramatic. That’s kind of hard to find with teens though. I’ve been with my boyfriend since I’m 14. And it’s all good so far. We plan to stay together so….teen relationships may last if the right people find each other.

Answer #16

Some teenage relationships do last, but alot of them do not. As you grow up you change and you start to realize things from a more mature prospective. And it can pull you apart. Especially if the changes arent for the better.Same with friendships you grow up and realize that the people you hang out with aren’t really a benefit for your life at all.

Answer #17

I think some of them do. Ive seen people my age (15) last in relationships over 2 years. Its possible. My aunt and her husband dated in the 8th grade and all the way through highschool ane got married.

Answer #18

yes they do, i been with my boyfriend since i was 13 & i’m 17 now. but it depends if your standing beside him one hundred percent

Answer #19

My ex boyfriend and i were together for about 1 year and 8 months.. and we broke up like on may 15.. yes i remember dont call me crazy lol.. but really it just depends.. i mean some relationships can go sour unless yall work it out.. its the only way. i mean my friend and her boyfriend have been together for 4 years and still “love eachother” since we are all teenagers.. but you just have to remember that.. you mite not be with that person in the next 10 years. i mean you could fall in love with somebody else, not saying you will but it could happened.. cuz it happened to me.. and heres a little tip when you are stuck between 2 people always pick the second person because if you didnt meet the first person you would of never fell for the second person,.. so yea. i mean relationships are kind of hard to deal with but you have to hang in there and if it doesnt work then you have to move on.. my ex was my first love and first kiss.. but that doesnt mean when yall break up one day it doesnt me you will never love again, you have to move on and let go of that relationship.. and you will be fine. but i hope yall stay together.

Answer #20


Answer #21

It depends on the maturity level of both partners. If you find someone you love, make sure it’s love first, and grab them whenever you get the chance.

Answer #22

If it helps my gf and I have been together for 2 years there was a time where I thought I may be happier with someone else and so I went after that but after a month her and I both realized that were soul mates and were better than we ever were. Were together to this day and now were living together and we couldn’t be happier. We are both mature and have been through a lot of situations that could potentially ruin relationships.

Answer #23

mostlikely you wont last. i was in that situation too. we stayed together until the middle of my senior year and then we broke up. you may think things are gonna be perfect forever but get your head out of your butt and look around…. how may ppl do you know or have seen marry their high school sweetheart????

Answer #24

wow! you two are very young. it very well could. but it very well couldnt. people say teenage love doesnt last because yes you are going through a lot of changing with yourself, but also because when you go off to college or start working, you meet a lot of more people. only time can tell.

Answer #25

wow! you two are very young. it very well could. but it very well couldnt. people say teenage love doesnt last because yes you are going through a lot of changing with yourself, but also because when you go off to college or start working, you meet a lot of more people. only time can tell.

Answer #26

wow! you two are very young. it very well could. but it very well couldnt. people say teenage love doesnt last because yes you are going through a lot of changing with yourself, but also because when you go off to college or start working, you meet a lot of more people. only time can tell.

Answer #27

wow! you two are very young. it very well could. but it very well couldnt. people say teenage love doesnt last because yes you are going through a lot of changing with yourself, but also because when you go off to college or start working, you meet a lot of more people. only time can tell.

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