Teacher being unfair

What do you do if you think a teacher does not like you and your grades are suffering because of it?

Answer #1

If it’s truely an unfair situation, report the teacher to their supervisor and/or advise your parents so they can take action…Take care !!

Answer #2

I had a really stuck up teacher in school once. Mind you, we were ‘okay’ students, not the best, but we weren’t obnoxious or disobedient - we do as we’re told. Anyway, this lady hated us for some reason, and always complained about us when she arrived in our classroom. She yells at us 99% of the time in class while we look at her stumped as to why she’s so angry. And she also called us names for no reason.

Because of that, we weren’t learning anything, and whatever that we learned, she will regard it as wrong anyway. I don’t recall if she ever graded our work. Anyway, I took matters into my own hands and spoke to the Headmistress’ secretary whom I was good friends with about it. I was quite respected in school by all teachers and students, so the secretary took the matter seriously.

Not long after, my insane teacher called me in to speak to her. She was upset that I had spoken to higher authority about it, and she said that I should have approached her about it first. She was right, I should have talked to her about it first, but I was also young then, and I was too angry at her for mistreating us. I was also probably scared that she would flip out on me and give me a bad record. So, in my defense, I didn’t know what she would do to me, so my seeing higher authority is justified.

She stopped teaching in my school soon after that, and I don’t know if either she had quit, or was fired.

Anyway, the moral of this story is to make sure your suspicion is validated, and speak to your teacher about it. However if you think that she might do something bad to you if you try to discuss it with her, speak to another teacher who might help.

Answer #3

If a teacher doesn’t like me, I’d have to say, that I get real angry if my grades are suffering and so forth. I also tend to want to give up. I know I can’t though since I want to get somewhere in life. I just simply avoid that teacher or don’t talk to him or her.

Answer #4

study harder,, dont mind your teacher.. you cant please every one.. but still respect the authority of your teacher..

Answer #5

Be nice. Study. Dont talk/taxt in class. Dont pass notes. Be good. Treat her with respest, than tell everyone else shes a ‘Witch’. >.<

Answer #6

quit making your teacher mad

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