Can a felon become a teacher?

Can a felon become a teacher?

Answer #1

All the people saying no are stuped yuou know just as well as I do that they had a time in there life they did drugs or stole, you may have changed nw but they fact is you did it and didnt et caught as for the ones with felons did so do be quick to judge no1 is perfect…

Answer #2

im a felon. convicted of theft by control approximately 8 years ago. I figured my “debt to society” had been paid already. but it looks like completing my degree in education would be worthless considering all the posters here assume ex-cons are evil “lost causes’” and should not deserve a chance at a future, no matter how hard they work at it.. sad.

Answer #3

No or at least i would hope not

Answer #4

I hope not.

Answer #5

If the crime is not drug, violence, or sexually related. And if they have not commited any other crimes they should have the oppurtunity at a second chance.

Answer #6


Answer #7

I have 16 fraud related felonies (bad checks), and one drug misdeameanor. I had 3 years of my early 20’s that I was really messing up my life. (I know its sounds like a lot, but paper crimes really can rack up a lot of charges) but I completed a year long residential rehab, I did not do any prison time and I am about to finish my probation, violation Free!! which means I can get EVERYTHING EXPUNGED. I am mother to a two year old boy and now I am a completely different person, I am currently going to school to be a preschool teacher. (I have a two year old son and he has shown me what I was meant to do with my life) I love working with kids and want to make a difference with our children and there future. I am really hoping that my past mistakes don’t interfere with my future goals I have come along way rehabilitating myself and working to prove that I am a new person. by the timei complete my degree I will have everything expunged. does anyone knowif expunged felonies with count against me when I apply for my childcare/preschool teaching credentials?

Answer #8

A felon can become a teacher! There are exceptions though. Some states bar felons from gaining licensure, while others will determine if sufficient rehabilitation has occured. Some states such as Oregon, Maryland and New Hampshire don’t even require a person to report the felony if they have obtained an expungement, sealing or annulment. Others states, such as Ohio, require a 5 year rehabilitation period prior to applying for licensure. If you already have your license, then there is a good probability that you can continue to teach as long as it wasn’t a sexual, violent or drug related felony. A perfect example is California, many felon teachers are gainfully employed there. Don’t give up hope, but you need to keep a realistic frame of mind as well. Remember, many of the holy rollers are quick to judge and point fingers because they don’t want to be in the spot light. Don’t let those losers get you down, instead give them something to talk about and lose sleep at night…go for your dreams.

Answer #9

All you “holier than thou” jerks on here who say “I hope not” do not realize just how many people are locked up in this nation. Heck, you can become a felon for having some pot.. .when you were 18 years old. Does that mean that when you are 30 . . .and have become a totally different person. . .that they do not deserve the same rights as those who are “righteous” (haha)

You people need to learn a lesson of redemption. . .of compassion. . .and the ability to put yourself in another person’s position. IF we ALL would learn to do this more, I am sure that we would have a more just, equal and fair society.

What kills me is that most of these “hollier than thou” types would call themselves “Christians”. . .HA! Hypocrites! Maybe you ought to quit judging long enough to actually read the words of the man you claim to follow. He would be ashamed of your behavior. Remember, it was Jesus who talked with the prostitutes, the sick, the criminals. . .and he condemmed those who claimed to be righteous and constantly passed judgement on others - like the pharises and sadducees of Jerusalem - (I’m sure the spelling is wrong there)

Anyway. I have 5 felony convictions. Back in 1998 I was convicted of 5 counts of burglery (non violent break-in crimmes). I did 18 Months in a state prison. Got out, went to college. ..graduated with a 3.6 GPA, got married, bought a house. . .and have kept a steady job for 7 years now. I am working on getting my teaching degree RIGHT NOW. . .so all of you who say “NO”. . .better get your kids out of school . . .because I might be teaching them next year!!! MMMUUUHAAA!!! I’m gonna teach them how to cook up heroin. . .and the best way to rob a store. . .and the best place to buy a hot gun. . .and the best way to cut cocaine. . .so you’ll get more money when you pack it up for sale!! HAHAHAH Give me a break. people watch too much T.V. - THIS IS THE REAL WORLD . . .AND THERE ARE MILLIONS UPON MILLIONS OF CONVICTED FELONS OUT HERE. . .BETTER STAY IN YOUR HOUSE - MUUHHAHAAA!!!

Answer #10

Uh, okay. So what is the answer to the original question?

Answer #11

Most teachers that hurt children in school are not convicted felons!! Most felons that become teachers never have any problems with the school system or with children. So for the people who say no to letting felons teach, look at who they are now and not who they were. Take a lesson in humanity people we all need one. Oh, if you do not agree with my opinions look it up and it will become fact!

Answer #12

I’m with you, hellied; there’s a lot of judging going on here. I have a felony conviction for a non-violent white collar crime. Did 120 days of minimum-security time and finished three years of probation six years ago this month; haven’t had so much as a traffic stop since. But these people would act like I’m a menace to society that they wouldn’t want near their children. News flash, people: just because someone did something illegal and stupid doesn’t mean they’re a bad person or dangerous.

Answer #13

For the quick no’s. Acts that result in a felony a wide and various. The core of the problem with those who are quick to answer no, is that they have no idea of the answer. They are only kicking those who are attempting to move on with their lives. True, those that commit “common law” felonies have it more difficult that the the felonies dreamed up by legislatures who are “tough on crime.”

It all depends on the exact crime, where you are applying and what you have done since your release from custody.

For those felons who continue to work towards their goals daily, you have more determination than most people in society. Keep after the prize and you will pass the finish line…

Answer #14

Attemp. Robb. 2nd degree…over 10 years. ago

Answer #15

I really hope not..

Answer #16

well im a felon and im going to school to be a teacher. I committed a robbery when I was 16 in 2005 and I was released last year. I learned from my mistake and now I want to teach kids and reach out to them, because I know that I needed someone when I was their age. and for all of yall who say I shouldn’t get a second chance for a mistake I made as a teenager, you aren’t any better than I am. we all make mistakes, and you dont have the right to try to condemn somebody for something. thats Gods job.

Answer #17

For those that Hate on the Holy Rolers; Yes, I agree that some people are way too quick to judge but,not all christians judge people harshly.I am a christian, and I’m doing everythig I can to represent Jesus and his teachings.So I just want anyone that reads this to know we’re not all bigits(excuse me if I mispell words; I’m a horrible speller)I am also going for my Teaching degree, but I have two misdeminors(roaches in the floor board) on my record and one DUI,and a open container because I was being the DD one night and my friend had a open beer.I was young and dum for about a good ten year strech,but now I’ve turnned my life over to God and try to better myself and my community with every breath.I volenteer at the school where my son goes and I just pray that I can help kids that need it,because a lot of children need a positive role model nowadays.I hope all you people quit judgeing others so much,regardless of which side of the fence you fall on.Not all christians are bigits and not all felons or people that have been arrested in their previous life, are bad people.All I know is that I have felt like God has called me to help kids,because I work very well with children,I just hope I can after I get my BA.God bless each one of you.

Answer #18

Yes! To determine whether or not this applies to your state, check with the legal dept of the teacher licensure board. You may hear that each case is considered on a case by case basis. Of course, child and domestic crimes, drug crimes or the least likely to be approved. White colar crimes are the most likely to be approved. From there, it is up each county’s school board.

Remember, you only need ONE person to believe in you, the change that you have made. The important thing is that YOU keep going… someone will see your efforts and join you…. I know because I have been there!

Answer #19

When it comes to becoming a teacher, each state has their own rules when it comes to felonies and teaching.

You may have better luck becoming a teacher’s assistant or an aid than you would becoming a full teacher.

When applying for any type of teaching job, you must report any and all arrests, regardless of outcome. They will come up when they do a check on your record and it will look better for you if you are forth coming with that information.

Depending on the reason for the felony and how long ago it was, you may have to jump through a lot of loops to get a teaching certificate.

It may be in your best interest to relocate to a different state that has less stringent rules when it comes to getting a teaching degree. You may also want to speak to a lawyer on your rights.

The state of California allows those with a felony or misdemeanor charge to expunge their record and prove themselves capable of teaching. The California Commission on Teacher Credentials awards these credentials to post-baccalaureate students who complete accredited teaching programs and successfully pass the character and identification clearance exams.

The state of Ohio also has very similar rules.

The state of Illinois, on the other hand, does not allow anyone with a felony charge to become a teacher.

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