Texas woman forced to remove nipple ring

In news I just came to know that a Texas woman, Mandi Hamlin who was forced to remove her artificially fixed nipple ring piercing through her nipple. It was detected by the metal detector before an check carried out on her by the security staff of the TSA airline. She was very disappointed and she wish that it should never happend with any woman. Why the security staff forced her to remove some ring from her private part at public, carouse she was taken behind a curtain to remove and with the help of a plier she managed to remove it.

Answer #1

3/28/08: TSA statment release: “TSA acknowledges that our procedures caused difficulty for the passenger involved and regrets the situation in which she found herself. We appreciate her raising awareness on this issue and we are changing the procedures to ensure that this does not happen again.”

Answer #2

Due to Terrorists that hate our country and all it stands for and will not hesitate to kill innocents, rules had to be established - Any person must be able to pass through without setting off metal Alarms - certainly reasonable - TSA just told her it had to come off - she didn’t have to do it there - She’s the one who asked for the pliers.

Answer #3

How may people have died due to terrorism? Of all the ways we die what percentage of us die from terrorists compared to cancer, heart dissease, stroke, AIDS, Alzhiemer’s, etc.

Many people feel like we should give up our rights, our privacy, and our convenience to be a little safer from terrorists who aren’t that large a danger anyway.

I’m not saying 9/11 wasn’t a terrible thing. I just don’t think that we should give up everything that is good about our country and lifestyle just because we are told we should live in fear of terrorists.

The terrorists have defeated us but not with bombs, IEDs, or bullets. The terrorists have made us cower in fear and made the country which one stood firm for human rights to one that tortures prisioners and lives in tyrany.

After the nut at Virginia Tech killed 32 instructors and students the student body said they didn’t want to fence in their campus and put metal detectors at every enternance. They wanted to keep an open campus and the college experience they always had. As a nation we can learn from the brave students at Virginia Tech who said they will live free instead of cowering in fear.

Answer #4

thats so messed up. I live in texas and I havent herd of that

but yeh thats so disturbing. they should at least pulled her in private.

but you never know they have to be strict like that ever since 9/11

Answer #5

My dad has artificial knees that set off metal detectors. He has a little card that states this. I hate to think of them handing my dad a scalpel and asking him to remove his knees.

It seems to me they could have examined the passenger and determined that she had no weopons. When someone wants to fly but can’t remove their wedding ring over a swolen knuckle what do they do then?

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